Work at Home Hat Work at Home Enthusiasts Do you have a Business Plan? Yes, I did say a Business Plan. Even though for most of us the idea of a blog is to help others by sharing our knowledge. We also look for our blogs to become a source of income. Does your blogging business plan have the right components? |
Here is a basic short list that most experts suggest:
Originally I did sit down and wrote a business plan or so I thought. Business plans or business goals are not to be written in stone and you should allow yourself the flexibility to change them from time to time. I recently changed mine to include my new author hat and to give myself more time to write, I downsized the number of sites I had and I am now blogging on only two sites.
- Plan Ahead - What is your business plan?
- Format - What format is better to use blog or site?
- Niche - What is the best Niche for your blog?
- Content - Where will you find content?
- Frequency - How often should you blog?
- Sharing - How will you share your blog?
- Monetary - How will you make income from your blog?
Originally I did sit down and wrote a business plan or so I thought. Business plans or business goals are not to be written in stone and you should allow yourself the flexibility to change them from time to time. I recently changed mine to include my new author hat and to give myself more time to write, I downsized the number of sites I had and I am now blogging on only two sites.
The business plan format is not as important as getting those ideas down. I like to use a pen and paper and place my main idea in a circle in the center of the page and from there I use lines, branches coming from the main circle. I use these branches to list the breakdowns of my main idea and those lines can be broken into smaller lines for more breakdowns. Your blogging business plan need not be fancy. Use the questions above as a starting point. It is a map of what you want your blog to be and where you want your blogging business to go. It should also be part of the overall goal for the life you are choosing for yourself. |
In answer to the other questions from the business plan list, check out Are your Blogs Dragging, I will share more thoughts and findings with you in upcoming blogs.
Have fun mapping!
I welcome any questions, sharing or comments you may have.
By Danielle Manibog
Have fun mapping!
I welcome any questions, sharing or comments you may have.
By Danielle Manibog
“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving.
They make mistakes, but they don't quit.”~ Conrad Hilton
Be the Change and Follow your Road.
© Copyright 2012-2016 Danielle Manibog. All rights reserved
© Copyright 2012-2016 Danielle Manibog. All rights reserved